Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Off We Go...Again

So the fam doesn't worry, we're leaving tomorrow at 4am for El Salvador so I don't know when I'll be able to go online. We'll be there for 10 days...then back to Xela for full-time classes, 4 hours a day, 5 days a week, along with writing a thesis 12 pages long and in spanish...boo! I'm doing mine on adolescent pregnancy. Did I ever mention that McDonalds here is amazing. I think it's because it's the only place with flavor in the food and reminds us of home. I love the McNiffica, 100% carne de res (beef). It's funny cause the rest of the menu has burgers, but doesn't say anything about them being made of beef at all...gross. People eat McDonalds here only if they're well off, it's like a "nice" place to eat. Glad you all liked the Semuc Blog. Dad, you'd be fine in the cave. I also kept thinking in there, what happens if there is an earthquake right now? Yikes. Dylan, get your surgery for your jealousy tube breakage, sorry about that! What else, I had made a decision to stay in Texas when I get back, but looking at the fall pictures in Colorado on facebook made my heart wretch. Ahhh life. Who knows where I'll be in a year. So, if you don't hear from me in a while, I'm just off in El Salvador...we get to go to the beach one day, I'm so excited.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun and do everything I wouldn't do!