Thursday, July 31, 2008

Como se dice "sketchy"

So, we didn't end up going out cause it was raining and cold and I forgot I had turned in all my clothes, including pants, to Also, a group of us went to play vball and my papas team was there but he wasn't! So we waited until they were done to play, but they took the net with them! What kind of sports complex makes you bring your own net?! So we screwed around a little and it was raining lightly, so we left soon after. Lame. We are going to buy a net today for there and the beach! Ok, so since I didn't go out I was going to study for my text today, which I didnt, cause when I was walking out of my room, the family friend, Yomarra, was walking into her room which is right next door. So I asked her if she's ever eaten pancakes in this house and she said no, but she saw the family eating them once. I was like what? So we went into her room to chat. In all the 9 years shes been here, shes had the same corn flakes with luke warm milk and bananas or mosh every morning, sucky! Anyway, but that led to other things. She asked me if I had ever noticed that the family eats different things than us and I said no, and I asked if it was better or worse food and she said better! So they don't eat with us at breakfast or dinner, because they are eating at different times so we can't see they are eating better more varied food. Weird. For example, a bad example, but I get cornflakes and the 4 year old gets fruit loops...I want fruit loops, I'm going to ask. That's a bad example. Anyway, then I asked her what the father did for work since he nor anyone else would tell me, and she said he didn't have a job because he got fired for stealing from the government company he did work for! What the hell right?! So I'm like, where do they get their money? My theory is that they deal drugs, but I could be completely wrong. I only say that because the other night Yomarra was cooking me dinner and there was a roach on top of the fridge, so to make sure it was what I thought, I picked it up and smelled it, and sure enough, weed! Then the night before last I went to brush my teeth and someone was blazing because I could smell it so strong and the bathroom is by their side of the house. Sketch. She told me not to believe the dad, Anibal because he's a liar too. She said she moved out for 9 months because he was harassing her asking her always where she went, what was she doing, why, so it got to the point she moved out! It sucks because I actually liked the dad a lot since he was the only one who took interest in me learning spanish and he appeared to care, which I'm sure he does, but now I just look at him different. She also said that he says really vulgar things during lunch or dinner but they are things I don't learn in school so I wouldn't be able to pick up on it and it's bad because the little girl, Camila, picks up on it and gets in trouble. So, I've always felt like the family wasn't very welcoming but now I feel like they're sketchy! Except Amelia, she's really friendly and smily but never home! She's inited me to come out dancing before. Yomarra said the mom was weird because she's not very friendly, which I completely agree. The last girl here, one her last day, she told the mom she was leaving at 2 and the mom on purpose made lunch after 2 so that she didn't have to waste her food on the girl who was leaving! It sucks cause it seems like Yomarra and I are their major source of income yet they treat us as just that. Other families like worship their students, like they give them the best food and the most and they treat them like babies...not in mi casa! I'm a ghost, except to Yomarra and the 4 year old. Kinda sucks, cause everyone else has such welcoming families, but I can't complain too much cause I have a nice place, hot water and healthy food. Yomarra says that the reason she only comes to eat is cause the family is so weird and no one talks to her either! It's funny cause she said she has this conversation with each student who's lived here. I don't remember if there is anything else I needed to tell you all. So weird. Whatev, at least I have Yomarra, and the group of course! I told her that the mom told me that I have to buy my own water since the water there was only for lunch, as well as that I have to ask her for toliet paper and she was speechless. I don't remember if I told you all that, the first week I went into the kitchen to get water for my room and the mom came in and told me that I needed to buy my own! That's not right. Anyway, it's not all that bad, I mean I don't have a million bug bites. Ok, time for class.


Anonymous said...

That is all very sad to hear. I bet they were glad to hear that you didn't want so much food for lunch then. Who knows, maybe they don't want to get personally attached to the students who live with them, as they all leave. That could get hard after a while and you say they've been doing this for 10 years. You never know, this Yomarra could be a little sketchy herself. Believe 1/4 of what you hear an 1/2 of what you see for yourself!

Dylan said...

A friend of mine at work hosts exchange students that come over from Thailand and such. They feed them prison quality food. Basically the same crap every day. They just worry about keeping their costs low and not blowing the requirements of the exchange program. Maybe you're dealing with a little bit of that. But it's not like you are stay at an all inclusive resort so whatev.

I suggest you start stealing from them. Start small, but as your time left there gets shorter and shorter start stealing more and more.